Ice Rollers are filled with water and intelligent gel.
Stainless steel head.
Approx : 18cm long, 67g
Just roll across the face for a refreshing massage to reduce puffiness, calm redness and firm the skin.
These are also used to reduce pain and discomfort prior to and after procedures such as laser, peeling or tattooing.
Excellent for use first thing in the morning to reduce puffy eyes and dark circles.
Relieve the pain of headaches, itchiness of insect bites, irritation from hay fever, muscle pain, fever and more.
Use after shaving to reduce irritation
There are endless uses for this fantastic product.
These can be used daily, keep the head in the freezer in the bag when not in use, the handle is detachable.
Clean after each use
Sent in box
Do not use on open wound
Do not heat.