Microblading Aftercare
Microblading is a procedure used to improve the appearance of eyebrows by making them appear neater, thicker and fuller. The actual process involves implanting a pigment under the skin not unlike a tattoo. The procedure should be carried out by a trained professional and involves drawing hair like strokes with a handheld microblading tool. This process creates little cuts which allow the pigment to reach under the skin.

The results are semi permanent and can last for up to 3 years. Minor touch ups are required on average every 6 months. This makes microblading very attractive to those who have tried more conventional brow methods with disappointing results.
Before microblading people commonly ask if it is painful and the answer is – maybe a little! Some people are more tolerant to pain than others so your mileage may vary. However, any pain can be averted or at least minimised by using topical microblading numbing agents.
Since microblading is very similar to getting a tattoo, particular attention needs to be paid to microblading aftercare.
Microblading Aftercare
The microblading aftercare process is absolutely essential and some key rules to follow are:
- Try and protect your brow area from all forms of moisture. Do not get it wet. Try to minimise sweat. You can bathe and shower but try not to get soap, shampoo or water on the area.
- Do not pick, touch or scratch the area. Healing wounds can become itchy and it is sometimes very tempting to scratch and pick at the area but this can cause scarring and in some cases the loss of pigment which will reduce the impact of the look.
- Do not apply any make up or petroleum based products to the eyebrows for at least 10 days after your procedure. After the 10 days then start light.
- Do not bleach, tint or dye the eyebrows for at least 1 month after your microblading procedure.
- Do not pluck, thread or wax the eyebrows until they are fully healed.
- You should refrain for partaking in any activity that is likely to make you sweat. Sweating can make the hair like strokes to appear faded and less defined.
- Avoid any sun bathing including sunbeds, swimming pools, jacuzzis, hot tubs or saunas for up to 2 weeks after your procedure.
- Do not apply anti acne topical medication to the area. Particularly those containing bleaching agents such as benzoyl peroxide.
Following the above microblading aftercare rules would be considered the bare minimum of aftercare required for healthy healing and optimal results. There are additional steps that can be taken during a microblading aftercare regime to further aid healing including the use of microblading aftercare products.
Microblading aftercare products are normally very similar to healing ointments for tattoos. The ointments normally contain ingredients such as the following:
- Olive oil has been used for many, many centuries and the ancient Greeks knew of its healing power. It is great for microblading aftercare.
- Vitamin A, D, E are all great for healing wounds.
- Beeswax is a great addition to any microblading aftercare regime as it promotes wound healing and also has anti-microbial properties which can prevent infection. These microbial properties are enhanced when combined with synergistic ingredients such as olive oil.
- From research studies conducted for woundsresearch.com, cocoa butter far exceeded a placebo in relieving itching and burning sensations. This property is particularly beneficial for Microblading aftercare since it will minimise your desire to scratch and touch the area which can cause complications in the treated regions.
We stock a range of microblading aftercare products which contain the above ingredients in the correct dosages and ratios. These products make it very convenient for you to use meaning you are more likely to use them in correct way. This results in quicker healing, less chance of infection and ultimately the most optimal look.